Motimahal ★★★★
Distance from Venue: 4.8km
Tariff: Standard Single A/C per night: ₹ 2710
(inclusive of tax)
Tariff: Standard Double A/C per night: ₹ 3388
(inclusive of tax)
Facilities: Central A/C, Complementary Breakfast, WiFi, SwimmingPool, Check in / Check out 24Hrs
BMS ★★★
Distance from Venue: 0.5km
Tariff: Standard Single A/C per night: ₹ 2541
(inclusive of tax)
Tariff: Standard Double A/C per night: ₹ 3050
(inclusive of tax)
Facilities: Complementary Breakfast, WiFi, Check in / Check out 24Hrs
Deepa Comforts ★★★
Distance from Venue: 2.2km
Tariff: Standard Single A/C per night: ₹ 3200
(inclusive of tax)
Tariff: Standard Double A/C per night: ₹ 3872
(inclusive of tax)
Facilities: Central A/C, Complementary Breakfast, WiFi, Check in / Check out 24Hrs
Please Note
- Tariff Offered is specially negotiated package for the conference.
- Details of the hotels can be accessed from the their respective websites.
- Please send your hotel preference in the registration/accommodation form
- All the payments to be made directly to the hotel.
- Room sharing request can be sent, we shall try our best to provide sharing room to two delegates.
However, in case of non availability of sharing delegate, the single room tariff shall be applicable to the occupant.